'Winner winner'
'Winner winner'

Acrylic on canvas

'Price fantasies'
'Price fantasies'

Acrylic on canvas

'Sex next time we're food here we will get dominance the same thing'
'Sex next time we're food here we will get dominance the same thing'

Mixed media on paper

'V for Vendetta (Bullets)'
'V for Vendetta (Bullets)'

Pastel on paper

'Horse and stones'
'Horse and stones'

Acrylic on paper

'Melted friend'
'Melted friend'

Pastel on paper

'Hungry and thirsty'
'Hungry and thirsty'

Mixed media on paper


Mixed media on paper


Pastel on paper

'Football head'
'Football head'

Acrylic on paper

'Mersyndol drowsy'
'Mersyndol drowsy'

Pencil on paper


Mixed media on paper

'Tabby cat'
'Tabby cat'

Acrylic on canvas


Acrylic on canvas

'Dizziness, spinning sensation'
'Dizziness, spinning sensation'

Pencil on paper

'Back pages'
'Back pages'

Acrylic on paper

'If you discover a fire, raise the alarm, call the brigade and ask for fire, go outside, sit on a bench, don't take risks, don't use a lift'
'If you discover a fire, raise the alarm, call the brigade and ask for fire, go outside, sit on a bench, don't take risks, don't use a lift'

Mixed media on paper

'Tribal tattoo'
'Tribal tattoo'

Acrylic on paper

'Down at the hounds'
'Down at the hounds'

Mixed media on paper

'War all the time'
'War all the time'

Mixed media on paper


Acrylic on paper


Pencil on paper

'Self portrait with sunburnt ears and shoulders'
'Self portrait with sunburnt ears and shoulders'

Acrylic on canvas


Acrylic on paper

'Still life'
'Still life'

Pastel on paper


Acrylic on paper

'Arm wrestling'
'Arm wrestling'

Acrylic on paper

'Sailing race'
'Sailing race'

Acrylic on paper

'Three cheers at the top'
'Three cheers at the top'

Mixed media on paper

'The doomgaze'
'The doomgaze'

Acrylic on paper


Acrylic on paper

'Greedy on the green'
'Greedy on the green'

Acrylic on paper


Labels on paper

'Cash frenzy'
'Cash frenzy'

Pastel on paper

'Cash frenzy'
'Cash frenzy'

Mixed media on paper

'Motor home'
'Motor home'

Acrylic on paper


Acrylic on paper

'Nude with mirror'
'Nude with mirror'

Acrylic on paper


Pencil on paper


Transfers on paper

'Wendy Whiteley's garden'
'Wendy Whiteley's garden'

Acrylic on paper

'Stadium convention'
'Stadium convention'

Metal, paint and cigarette

'Plan view and side view'
'Plan view and side view'

Mixed media on paper

'Flying fox'
'Flying fox'

Acrylic on canvas

'Read about it after'
'Read about it after'

Mixed media on paper

'Barbarians reflection'
'Barbarians reflection'

Acrylic on paper


Acrylic and collage on paper


Mixed media on paper


Mixed media on paper

'Bad talk'
'Bad talk'

Mixed media on paper

Sex Tourists cassette
Sex Tourists cassette

Mixed media on paper

'Collage body 8 of 8'
'Collage body 8 of 8'

Collage on paper

'Collage body 7 of 8'
'Collage body 7 of 8'

Collage on paper

'Collage body 6 of 8'
'Collage body 6 of 8'

Collage on paper

'Collage body 5 of 8'
'Collage body 5 of 8'

Collage on paper

'Collage body 4 of 8'
'Collage body 4 of 8'

Collage on paper

'Collage body 3 of 8'
'Collage body 3 of 8'

Collage on paper

'Collage body 2 of 8'
'Collage body 2 of 8'

Collage on paper

'Collage body 1 of 8'
'Collage body 1 of 8'

Collage on paper

'Still life'
'Still life'

Acrylic on canvas


Acrylic on paper


Mixed media on paper

'Sisters bathing'
'Sisters bathing'

Acrylic on paper

'King of the Nile'
'King of the Nile'

Mixed media on paper

'Still life'
'Still life'

Acrylic on canvas

'Left right rendition'
'Left right rendition'

Pastel on paper

'Dodo's dream'
'Dodo's dream'

Mixed media on paper


Acrylic on paper

'Martian mirage!'
'Martian mirage!'

Mixed media on paper

'Endless pain'
'Endless pain'

Mixed media on paper

'Live forever'
'Live forever'

Acrylic on paper


Acrylic on paper

'Zero G'
'Zero G'

Mixed media on paper

'Party on Olympus Mons'
'Party on Olympus Mons'

Mixed media on paper’

'Lara Bingle walking Laika'
'Lara Bingle walking Laika'

Mixed media on paper


Acrylic on paper

'Land theft'
'Land theft'

Painted steel

'Sticky slappy'
'Sticky slappy'

Acrylic on paper

'Frantic romantic'
'Frantic romantic'

Pencil on paper


Pencil on paper


Pastel on paper


Pastel on paper

'Porco Rosso'
'Porco Rosso'

Acrylic on paper

'Woman and man'
'Woman and man'

Pastel on paper


Pastel on paper


Pastel on paper


Pastel on paper


Acrylic on paper


Pencil and stickers on paper


Acrylic on canvas


Acrylic on paper

'Central station down and outs'
'Central station down and outs'

Mixed media on paper


Acrylic on paper

'The snake handler'
'The snake handler'

Acrylic on canvas

'Winner winner'
'Price fantasies'
'Sex next time we're food here we will get dominance the same thing'
'V for Vendetta (Bullets)'
'Horse and stones'
'Melted friend'
'Hungry and thirsty'
'Football head'
'Mersyndol drowsy'
'Tabby cat'
'Dizziness, spinning sensation'
'Back pages'
'If you discover a fire, raise the alarm, call the brigade and ask for fire, go outside, sit on a bench, don't take risks, don't use a lift'
'Tribal tattoo'
'Down at the hounds'
'War all the time'
'Self portrait with sunburnt ears and shoulders'
'Still life'
'Arm wrestling'
'Sailing race'
'Three cheers at the top'
'The doomgaze'
'Greedy on the green'
'Cash frenzy'
'Cash frenzy'
'Motor home'
'Nude with mirror'
'Wendy Whiteley's garden'
'Stadium convention'
'Plan view and side view'
'Flying fox'
'Read about it after'
'Barbarians reflection'
'Bad talk'
Sex Tourists cassette
'Collage body 8 of 8'
'Collage body 7 of 8'
'Collage body 6 of 8'
'Collage body 5 of 8'
'Collage body 4 of 8'
'Collage body 3 of 8'
'Collage body 2 of 8'
'Collage body 1 of 8'
'Still life'
'Sisters bathing'
'King of the Nile'
'Still life'
'Left right rendition'
'Dodo's dream'
'Martian mirage!'
'Endless pain'
'Live forever'
'Zero G'
'Party on Olympus Mons'
'Lara Bingle walking Laika'
'Land theft'
'Sticky slappy'
'Frantic romantic'
'Porco Rosso'
'Woman and man'
'Central station down and outs'
'The snake handler'
'Winner winner'

Acrylic on canvas

'Price fantasies'

Acrylic on canvas

'Sex next time we're food here we will get dominance the same thing'

Mixed media on paper

'V for Vendetta (Bullets)'

Pastel on paper

'Horse and stones'

Acrylic on paper

'Melted friend'

Pastel on paper

'Hungry and thirsty'

Mixed media on paper


Mixed media on paper


Pastel on paper

'Football head'

Acrylic on paper

'Mersyndol drowsy'

Pencil on paper


Mixed media on paper

'Tabby cat'

Acrylic on canvas


Acrylic on canvas

'Dizziness, spinning sensation'

Pencil on paper

'Back pages'

Acrylic on paper

'If you discover a fire, raise the alarm, call the brigade and ask for fire, go outside, sit on a bench, don't take risks, don't use a lift'

Mixed media on paper

'Tribal tattoo'

Acrylic on paper

'Down at the hounds'

Mixed media on paper

'War all the time'

Mixed media on paper


Acrylic on paper


Pencil on paper

'Self portrait with sunburnt ears and shoulders'

Acrylic on canvas


Acrylic on paper

'Still life'

Pastel on paper


Acrylic on paper

'Arm wrestling'

Acrylic on paper

'Sailing race'

Acrylic on paper

'Three cheers at the top'

Mixed media on paper

'The doomgaze'

Acrylic on paper


Acrylic on paper

'Greedy on the green'

Acrylic on paper


Labels on paper

'Cash frenzy'

Pastel on paper

'Cash frenzy'

Mixed media on paper

'Motor home'

Acrylic on paper


Acrylic on paper

'Nude with mirror'

Acrylic on paper


Pencil on paper


Transfers on paper

'Wendy Whiteley's garden'

Acrylic on paper

'Stadium convention'

Metal, paint and cigarette

'Plan view and side view'

Mixed media on paper

'Flying fox'

Acrylic on canvas

'Read about it after'

Mixed media on paper

'Barbarians reflection'

Acrylic on paper


Acrylic and collage on paper


Mixed media on paper


Mixed media on paper

'Bad talk'

Mixed media on paper

Sex Tourists cassette

Mixed media on paper

'Collage body 8 of 8'

Collage on paper

'Collage body 7 of 8'

Collage on paper

'Collage body 6 of 8'

Collage on paper

'Collage body 5 of 8'

Collage on paper

'Collage body 4 of 8'

Collage on paper

'Collage body 3 of 8'

Collage on paper

'Collage body 2 of 8'

Collage on paper

'Collage body 1 of 8'

Collage on paper

'Still life'

Acrylic on canvas


Acrylic on paper


Mixed media on paper

'Sisters bathing'

Acrylic on paper

'King of the Nile'

Mixed media on paper

'Still life'

Acrylic on canvas

'Left right rendition'

Pastel on paper

'Dodo's dream'

Mixed media on paper


Acrylic on paper

'Martian mirage!'

Mixed media on paper

'Endless pain'

Mixed media on paper

'Live forever'

Acrylic on paper


Acrylic on paper

'Zero G'

Mixed media on paper

'Party on Olympus Mons'

Mixed media on paper’

'Lara Bingle walking Laika'

Mixed media on paper


Acrylic on paper

'Land theft'

Painted steel

'Sticky slappy'

Acrylic on paper

'Frantic romantic'

Pencil on paper


Pencil on paper


Pastel on paper


Pastel on paper

'Porco Rosso'

Acrylic on paper

'Woman and man'

Pastel on paper


Pastel on paper


Pastel on paper


Pastel on paper


Acrylic on paper


Pencil and stickers on paper


Acrylic on canvas


Acrylic on paper

'Central station down and outs'

Mixed media on paper


Acrylic on paper

'The snake handler'

Acrylic on canvas

show thumbnails